We note the decision by the Cambodian Government not to proceed with its planned return of 13 Montagnards with refugee status back to Viet Nam this month. The Government of Cambodia has recognized their refugee claims and their return to Vietnam would constitute refoulement, and risks exposing the refugees to human rights violations, including arbitrary arrest and torture. As a state party to the Refugee Convention and the Convention against Torture and as a country that adheres to the universal values laid out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights*, Cambodia is under an obligation not to return refugees to a country where they could be subjected to serious human rights violations. Read the full briefing notes

We note the decision by the Cambodian Government not to proceed with its planned return of 13 Montagnards with refugee status back to Viet Nam this month. The Government of Cambodia has recognized their refugee claims and their return to Vietnam would constitute refoulement, and risks exposing the refugees to human rights violations, including arbitrary arrest and torture. As a state party to the Refugee Convention and the Convention against Torture and as a country that adheres to the universal values laid out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights*, Cambodia is under an obligation not to return refugees to a country where they could be subjected to serious human rights violations. - See more at: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16642&LangID=E#sthash.49IoSjy2.dpuf