GENEVA (12 October 2017) – Democracy under threat from moves against opposition, Special Rapporteur Rhona Smith warns.
"For Cambodians to engage in open and serious political debate, the opposition must be allowed to exist and to function without fear or intimidation,” said the Special Rapporteur, Rhona Smith. “Democracy is about voice and choice. These moves risk leaving many Cambodians without either."
“Rule of law is about more than the mere application of laws. All laws must respect human rights and must reflect the principles of fairness, justice and public participation. Otherwise, it becomes rule by law, not rule of law.”
She added: "Modern Cambodia was established as a multi-party liberal democracy, respectful and protective of human rights. Its Constitution sought to prevent a return to a single-party state. Those who drafted the Constitution were all too well aware of the consequences of one-party rule."
Read more in English and in Khmer.