Cambodian lawyers refresh their professional skills with support from ECCC experts 12 and 13 November 2013 – The 2013 Legal Dialogues Series concluded this November with 67 Cambodian lawyers completing a one-day Interactive Workshop in Phnom Penh aimed at refreshing their defence strategy and civil party representation skills. The workshop was facilitated by senior national and international ECCC defence and civil party lawyers and developed by the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia in cooperation with OHCHR-Cambodia. It built on a September 2013 seminar in which the same ECCC experts shared various practitioners' tips with participating lawyers. During the recent Interactive Workshops, the lawyers applied these tips in a practical exercise in which they were required to consider a complex case and determine their case strategy from both the defence and civil party lawyer perspectives. Download a copy of the workshop materials, including the case study, in English | Khmer.